About Editorial Machinery


Writing about machinery.  It’s a concept.  It’s our state of mind and your alter ego.  And yet, it’s smack-down 3D-real.

You see, ideas swell and move when they’re in a mechanical groove.  Brilliant, compelling editorial thinking is borne of joyous, fertile minds – all the better when the rails’re greased and mechanized.

Gears spun and belts drove us into the Industrial Revolution and – thanks in part to Henry Ford, Bill Harley and Art Davidson – machinery became the propeller, the impetus for quick change, hard work . . . and a whole lotta’ fun.

So, where better to stir and cultivate the editorial (+/or creative writing) thought process?  Put those ideas aboard mechanized goodness, whether it’s a screamin’ radiant heat system, Quisinart blender, John Deer cultivator, four-barrel Shelby GT or on the back of a Harley Road King.  Whatever floats yer boat and delivers a smile.

We’re a non-profit community dedicated to writing, entertainment, editorial dexterity and – of course – the machinery that fuels your passion for the craft.  We’re a multi-forum, multi-blog community.

Some call it motojournalism.  Here, it’s editorial machinery.

Won’t you join us?

This website is dedicated to the fun we have when fueling editorial ideation.  Or, hey, even the softer, slower poignant spells (you’ll enjoy the soul mate-making Crucible Moment story for Ellen and Hot Rod Rohr) and adrenal-pumped palpitations of all style and variety:  be sure not to miss Dave Yates’ first-of-many unlawful rides and a brief encounter with the Hells Angels.

If it stirs your heart, tickles your brain or has you shaking like a leaf – write about it.  Go ahead; sport it editorially.  This is your space, your portal, your bar.

Hear the music inside?  Swing the doors open wide and swagger in for some refreshment.  It’s on the house.

Introduce yourself to the BlogFather/chief machinist and he’ll connect you to some folks who’d like to meet you.  They’re right there, over at the table with the bowl of pistachios:  the pretty gal with horse chaps on, the biker dude with bugs in his teeth, and the high steel welders who write by candle light.  They were just askin’ when you’d get here.

Our invitation:  email writings, observations and photos to the BlogFather at  edimach@ptd.net



Types of interactivity + topics we’ll encourage

Morsels n’ spirits – Short stories, inspirations, oddities and the language arts, unmangled.

Toolbox – Machinery on the brain? Are you stumped, or eager to share experience and answers that could help others?

Gatherings – Tell us about events, past, present and future.

Exposure – Photos and art:  whaddayagot?