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Our invitation …

Email your writings, observations and photos to the BlogFather at


Types of interactivity + topics we’ll encourage

Morsels n’ spirits – Short stories, inspirations, oddities and the language arts, unmangled.

Toolbox – Machinery on the brain? Are you stumped, or eager to share experience and answers that could help others?

Gatherings – Tell us about events, past, present and future.

Exposure – Photos and art:  whaddayagot?

Why participate in this blog?

All of us enjoy a nice, long vacation.  But they’re few n’ far between.  For a quick escape, one that sizzles n’ pops, juices the brain and drives the editorial machine, just pull th’ rip cord, spray some starter fluid on the four-barrel, ignite the V-twin or powder some clay birds with th’ Benelli 12-gauge.

It’s not think tank stuff.  Rather – smart, mechanized fulfillment and inspiration.  Sniff around.  Join our community; hit th’ blog.  Add photos and an explanation of what inspires you (editorially, of course).

So, what are you waiting for?  Our operators are standing by . . .