Hot Rod & Ellen Rohr – Simple Beginnings

When Hot Rod and I were first married, we lived in a cabin outside of Whitefish, Montana. It was 11 by 15 feet and the foundation was four, almost-flat rocks. We had all of $5,000 between us and we contracted a well driller and a “diviner” to help us find – and hit – water. Three days later, we had a $5,000 hole, but no water.

So, my husband, The Plumber, figured out an alternative water system. He routed the rain into a barrel (which doubled as a dog washer), as well as to an underground cistern. We “poached” water (shhh!) from a neighbor’s creek when he was out of town. We would sneak over with out pickup and trailer, hauling an old 700-gallon dairy tank. Hotrod would fire up a gas-powered, hand-held water pump and we would look right and left as he filled the tank.

And you know what? It was pretty civilized living. We even had a hot tub! It was all fired with wood heat and recycled solar panels. Hotrod worked some magic with what was available. I learned how to make a 5-gallon tank of drinking water last  a week, because we had to haul it – water weighs 8 lbs. a gallon – from town – 15 miles away.

Sometimes the worst things become the best things. it was heartbreaking when I realized we had no money and no water, as the well driller’s rig pulled off the property. However, I learned that we could make things work. That marrying The Plumber was a very good move. And that I could conserve when I needed to. It was an amazing confidence building adventure! (And pretty romantic.)


Xo$, Ellen

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